Employee or contractor? Understanding the difference
A worker’s classification has significant implications for both them and their employer, which is why it’s so important to get it right.
Working from home: How to manage the occupational risks
As more people adopt remote work options, employers must stay updated by evaluating & addressing the occupational risks in home-based work environments.
Why being at work might be good for an employee’s mental health
An employee with poor mental health may be unable to make it to work. But a supportive workplace can offer some surprisingly positive benefits.
‘How can I help you?’ and other tips for managing employees with poor mental health
With almost half of Aussies experiencing mental health issues at some time, it’s important employers help manage their people effectively.
How to tell your mind the workday is over
Switching off at the end of the day is tough, but your mental health is important. Here’s some tips to help you tell your mind the workday is over.
Why asking about a colleague’s mental health is never embarrassing
If you’re concerned about someone's mental health and wellbeing, overcome that initial awkwardness and talk to them. It’s never embarrassing and you might be helping more than you think.
Leading by example: Why better mental health in the workplace starts with you
We all know our mental health is just as important as our physical health, but it’s often overlooked at work. GIO is committed to supporting employers as they manage mental health hazards in the workplace.
The importance of caring for your employees’ mental health
Reducing workers’ exposure to mental health hazards is as important for employers as reducing the risk of physical injury or illness.
The benefits of ergonomics in the workplace
The adoption of ergonomics may see a reduction in workplace injuries and save your business from the associated costs.
Working from home safety tips
If you're an employer, you may have responsibilities relating to your employees' working from home environment. Here are some tips for working from home safely.
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