on the road

When are the peak periods for animal collisions?

Animal collisions on Australian roads are unfortunate but common, particularly outside cities. Both wild and domestic animals can appear on the road unexpectedly – leading to major vehicle damage to vehicles and potentially expensive claims.

Take extra caution when driving in rural areas where animals might be nearby.

Are animal collisions covered by GIO?

If you have an unintentional collision with an animal, GIO Comprehensive Car Insurance may cover damage to your car.

If you instead hold a Third Party Property Damage or Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance policy, you won’t be covered for any vehicle damage. However, if you or a passenger are injured due to a wildlife collision, CTP Insurance may offer some cover. Be sure to read the PDS for more information on these policies.

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Peak periods for animal collisions

What are the most common times for animal collisions?

Animal collisions occur most frequently at dusk and dawn. This makes sense – the poorer visibility, combined with many animals’ natural feeding time, may increase the odds.

In which season are most animal collisions?

Claims data suggests that winter sees more animal collisions on average*.

Low visibility during winter months, as well as slippery roads, can make it difficult to spot animals, and to slow down for them.

Where are animal collisions most likely to occur?

You’re more likely to encounter wildlife on country roads, compared to more built-up areas – especially the larger animals, like kangaroos and wombats, that can cause the most serious damage. As such, be extra careful of animals when driving outside of cities and towns. Roads will often have signs that indicate areas where animal crossings are common, but animals don’t stick to signed areas – keep an eye out all along our roads to stay safe.

Staying safe on the road

What can you do to avoid animal collisions?

  • Stick to the speed limit. It’ll be easier to spot animals and slow down if necessary.
  • Be extra careful around dawn and dusk.
  • Take extra caution when driving through rural and regional areas, and pay close attention to signage.
  • Stay alert and aware of what’s around and ahead. Seeing one animal, or roadkill, is an indicator of more wildlife in the area – slow down and pay extra attention.
  • Never swerve to avoid an animal. Slow down and brake without turning, as swerving can put you at risk of losing control of your vehicle, and lead to collisions with other drivers or obstacles.

What should you do if you hit an animal while driving?

Unfortunately, there are times when avoiding an animal collision isn’t possible. If it happens, consider the following:

  • Ensure your safety first. Check on you and your passengers, and move off the road if possible. Turn on your hazard lights.
  • Check the animal. If it appears the animal has left, thoroughly check your vehicle. The animal may be trapped in your vehicle’s grill or engine bay.
  • Contact your local wildlife rescue service. Many regional areas have signs with information on who to call.

Need to make a claim?

If you need to make a claim on a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy after an unintentional collision with an animal, you can do so online or through the GIO App. All you need is:

  • your policy number,
  • your contact details,
  • type of claim,
  • date, address and details of the collision, and
  • personal details of any other parties involved (if applicable).

Depending on the circumstances of the claim, we may also need to ask for extra details.

Make a claim

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* Claims data collected from Suncorp Group’s network of brands including: AAMI, Suncorp Insurance, GIO, Apia, Shannons, CIL, Vero Insurance, Bingle and Essentials by AAI.

Insurance is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as GIO Insurance. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement before buying this insurance. The Target Market Determination is also available.

The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.